
**We want your car! For this week, we'll offer you £500 more than the price quoted by WeBuyAnyCar. Click below and add the details of your car and we will get in touch with your valuation, which will be £500 more than you'd get at WeBuyAnyCar. This is subject to inspection and the details of your vehicle being up-to-date and accurate (as it would be with and only applies to cars with a minimum WeBuyAnyCar valuation of £2000.**

At Horsepower, we have a wide range of experience and can help customers find a great deal on their current car. Our expert advisors can provide sound advice and guidance on valuations, so whether you are selling or looking for a part-exchange, we can help.

You can value your current vehicle online in a matter of minutes by using the Value My Car tool on our website. Simply enter your registration number followed by your personal details and you will be presented with a valuation based on your car’s age, make and model.

For a more thorough inspection of your vehicle and to discuss your options such as part-exchange, bring your car into our dealership and we will have our team look it over. You can also browse our selection of Approved Used cars for sale and make a clearer decision on your next model.

For more information or to arrange a valuation appointment, call the team now or enquire online using the Live Chat button.

Value Your Vehicle Here